Pure Hypochlorous Acid, Purely You
Avenova is the ONLY lab-tested, truly pure Hypochlorous Acid that is patented and FDA cleared. Avenova is antimicrobial and uses pure 0.01% Hypochlorous Acid which your body naturally produces to fight off toxins and inflammation caused by bacteria.
Previously available by prescription only, Avenova is clinically proven to help relieve chronic eye conditions like Dry Eye, Blepharitis, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, Contact Lens Intolerance and Inflammation.
Avenova contains no harmful impurities such as bleach, detergents or other surfactants, making it safe for everyday eyelid and eyelash use. Avenova is packaged in a glass bottle to prevent plastic leaching and ensure maximum effectiveness righto out of the box.
Avenova is made in the USA.

But don't take our word for it...

10k Reviews on Amazon
“Might be the best decision I've made this year!”
- "This product is amazing. My ophthalmologist recommended it almost three years ago and I’ve been using it ever since. It has decreased the number of times I need artificial tears each day and brings instant relief to my itchy, burning eyes."
- This product (highly recommended by my ophthalmologist) has made all the difference in how my eyes feel and totally kept the blepharitis under control. Changed my life!
- Product is amazing. Had severe dry eye and blepharitis for 10 years which began with surgery and never got better. Tried different presrciptions and over the counter products. Avenova cleared the blepharitis and reduced the dry eye problem in no time! Thank you NovaBay! Life changing.
- This is my third order. Using this spray has helped my eye. I appreciate the fast shipping because this product expires at 28 days. There are other, less expensive products with chemical additives that will not expire but I am sticking with this product because it does not have chemical additives. Thank you Avenova for a great product.
- This was recommended by my ophthalmologist as the product he uses for his own blepharitis. Using it for only just about a week now, I can actually feel and see a difference in my eyes. Results far exceed my expectations. I'll not be without Avenova again.
- I developed a serious case of blepharitis and tried everything until I came across Avenova. It was the only thing that not only eased the discomfort and helped heal everything.

Avenova to the rescue!
"My baby has had a problem with styes since he was three months old. His styes would get so big to the point that his eyes would be wide shut. Two days before my baby's first birthday, we saw the first signs of stye forming on his left eye. He woke up with a puffy red eyelid and we knew it was a matter of time before it would get worse quickly, and the thought of him having a stye during his first birthday was one of my biggest nightmares. As any mom would know, you would want your baby's first birthday to be as perfect as possible.
I immediately grabbed Avenova because I know it's safe for babies, sprayed it on a NovaWipe, and wiped it on his eyelid about 3-4 times a day. Sure enough, it stopped the stye from getting worse! Even his pediatrician was very impressed and told us to keep using Avenova until it goes away. And on his birthday, there was no stye in sight. Thank you again Avenova for saving my baby's first birthday. You have a forever customer in this family!"
Arrianne A.
Sure, customers love it, but what about doctors?
Itchy eyes no more!
"As a dry eye specialist, I have found that all-natural products have often given the most relief for my dry eye patients. Avenova is absolutely one of my go to treatments for my Dry Eye and Blepharitis patients. It is pure hypochlorous acid, which is a natural substance, that is made by our own body to fight bacteria. It removes bacteria from the eyelids and eyelashes and helps reduce inflammation that is the root cause of evaporative dry eye. Over the years, I have also found that Avenova is one of the best treatments for itchy eyes!"
Amr Kouchouk, MD
Advanced Retina Associates

#1 Doctor Recommended
"In our practice, Avenova is our #1 recommended eye lid cleanser that we choose for our patients. We recommend it by name and carry the product in our offices for our patients to easily purchase and use with confidence. We have educated about the effectiveness of Avenova at our Dry Eye University programs for years.
Avenova is an effective facial disinfectant that kills multiple types of bacteria, fungi and viruses. It is very easy to use and has little to no side effects, so I feel confident to recommend it to all of my patients with mild, moderate and severe dry eye, MGD, blepharitis and rosacea. We also recommend Avenova to be used prior to any ocular surgery to rid the area of microbes and then maintain that use long term following the procedure. I really see no downside to Avenova.
I personally use it daily to help manage my moderate dry eye and rosacea and I make sure to tell my patients that I use it too. Frequently, I will even demonstrate how to use it in the exam room"
Jerry L. Robben, O.D.
HOCl is safe and effective
“Avenova has been a large part of my practice for the past few years. I prescribe it to most of my dry eye, blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction patients. I have studied the effectiveness of this pure form of hypochlorous acid against many bacteria and even viruses and am convinced of its efficacy. The solution is very well tolerated and safe around the eyes, so I feel comfortable treating patients in the ocular region. I use it myself twice a day!”
Wendy W. Lee, M.D.
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

The Gold Standard
"Brush, Floss, Avenova- my personal twice daily regimen. Just as meibography, tear osmolarity testing, thermal pulsation, lid exfoliation and Amniotic Membranes have transformed how to treat MGD and Dry Eyes, Avenova has dramatically improved my success in treating anterior and posterior blepharitis.
In my Dry Eye Specialty clinic, my patients are given a comprehensive Dry Eye Protocol, including Avenova for lid cleansing. Clinically, I have confidence in the purity of the Avenova solution. Patients who try other brands of cosmetic grade hypochlorous solutions report a significant difference and return to Avenova for less eye irritation and greater symptomatic relief. In addition, I use Avenova to moisten the Blepehx tips with excellent results. I look forward to treating these patients because I have confidence in the amazing procedures and products, we now have to offer our patients.
I cringe when I hear patients tell me their last doctor told them to use baby shampoo for lid cleansing. They are greatly appreciative to have a prescription grade lid disinfectant. Avenova is the Gold Standard in lid cleansing."
Michael A. Orozco, OD